2023-2024 IBioS Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Details
Dana is a postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, where she is partnering with the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty and the IISAAK OLAM Foundation to highlight the intersections between Indigenous-led conservation initiatives and Indigenous food sovereignty. Prior to this, she worked with eight peasant farming organizations across Latin America to collaboratively develop indicators of agroecology, with a focus on topics like gender equity, agroecological practice use, and sustainable livelihoods.
Dana obtained her PhD from the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, where her research investigated the spatial distribution of agroecological indicators in Brazil; participation in agroecology and land-based movements and the relationship between these movements and the state; and the contributions of agroecology to rural peoples’ well-being.
Research Themes
Agroecology | Food sovereignty | Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) | Environmental justice | Community-based research
Geographical Area(s) of Research
Brazil | Canada